You found a tick, now what?

As summer approaches, so does tick season. Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that can carry serious diseases, including Lyme disease, (gross). If you find a tick on your child, don’t freak out but do take prompt action. Here's what some pediatricians recommend:

Tick with classic bullseye rash

According to Dr. Tanya Altmann, a leading pediatrician, "If you find a tick on your child, remove it immediately." The longer a tick remains attached, the higher the likelihood of disease transmission. Use fine-tipped tweezers  or a tick removing tool

to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. Pull upward with steady and even pressure, being careful not to squeeze or crush the tick. After removing the tick, clean the bite area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. You can also send the tick out to to see if the tick is carrying any diseases be sure to follow their guidelines when preparing your the tick before you ship. Another great resource is tick encounter run by the university of Rhode Island.

Dr. Benjamin Tanner, a microbiologist and pediatrician, adds that "it's essential to observe your child for any symptoms of tick-borne illness." Symptoms of Lyme disease may not appear for several days or weeks after a tick bite. Signs of Lyme disease may include fever, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain, and a telltale rash that looks like a bull's eye. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Clothing spray insect repellent that lasts several washes? Yes please! you can also hit the kids camp clothing with it!  Find it here

Finally, Dr. Laura Jana, a renowned pediatrician, advises parents to "take preventive measures to reduce the risk of tick bites." Teach your child to avoid tall grass and brushy areas and to wear long sleeves and pants when playing outside. Apply an insect repellent containing DEET to your child's skin and clothing.

Check your child's body and scalp for ticks after outdoor activities, and promptly remove any ticks you find. You can also spray your yard with products  like wondercide an organic tick repellent in addition to the others ! 

Don’t forget  immediate removal of the tick and close observation for symptoms of tick-borne illnesses are crucial. Some of the symptoms can be sneaky and present as flu like symptoms , so when in doubt check it out! Prevention is the key, and simple measures can reduce the risk of both tick bites and tick born illnesses, one last PRO TIP: twice yearly blood panel to check for tick Bourne diseases can go a long way in reducing risk of serious illnesses like Lyme. Following the advice of these famous pediatricians can help parents keep their children safe and healthy during the summer months. **

Wishing everyone a beautiful tick free summer! Don’t forget to RSVP to our June 3rd event at Vivvi midtown west there will be singing dancing story time and a giveaways from little sleepies RSVP here!



**for more info on ticks visit the CDC website


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