Summer Camp 2024 Must Haves

It’s almost time to send the kids to camp! They'll have a blast playing sports, doing crafts, and enjoying the outdoors. You'll miss them but be prepared for those calls about being hot, bored (are they serious!?), or having itchy bug bites. We're here to help with all those camp dilemmas and add a little extra fun too!

Let's celebrate any day with this party box for a fun time during 4th of July, Color War, or just any night in the bunk! You're not a regular mom, you're a cool mom, Start the party here.

Bunk Party All Night Long

Cool Pad

I remember asking (ehem PLEADING) for a clip-on fan for my bed. The summer nights start off cool but then get warmer and all turning sweaty in your sleeping bag (my dad always sent army supplies….….he meant well but the mummy bag, military canteen and itchy wool blankets weren’t exactly a cool kid vibe, pun intended :). I remember longing for my bed at home and thinking - “whoever invented air conditioning is GENIUS”.

Enter the Opal Cool Pad

This thing works. I couldn’t believe it. I normally have to sleep with AC or I’m a hot mess. Unlike ice packs that start uncomfortably cold and then warm up quickly, Opal maintains a consistent, comfortable cooling temperature. Even better – you can wear these directly on your skin.  

When Opal Cool comes in direct contact with your skin, the cooling pods gradually pull heat away from your body. Great news: you can reactivate and reuse these over and over again! No fridge required.  Get them here and use code CIRCLE30 for 30% off good until 5/31.

Keep your kiddo cool all summer

The Lip Balm Bracelet
I love mine. It is exactly what it says. This gorgeous little bracelet comes with two lip balm refills. You can also choose reef safe SPF - all of their products are organic. You can swim, shower, run and jump with them and your kiddo will LOVE it (moms and counselors, you too!). Her insta is a fun follow, watch the hysteria here! Shop Get Balmy

air up® Transforming Hydration for Kids at Camp

air up® revolutionizes hydration by infusing water with natural, delightful scents that make every sip enjoyable. With various vibrant colors, kids can personalize their bottles and stay hydrated without sugary beverages. The fun and flavorful air up® experience promotes healthy habits at camp, adding an exciting twist to drinking water—a must-have accessory for every camper's adventure! Build your bundle.

Keep your Kids hydrated

All Summer with air up®

Lyss & Kat Collective

Ok, we know custom everything is a must for camp, but these bags by Lyss & Kat Collective are beyond.

Really have you ever? Available in a bunch of different styles and can be customized for your little camper (or their super cool mama can represent) with your camp’s logo names and other cool stuff.

Bags take about 2-3 weeks so make sure you get your orders in asap. Contact Sage at Gold Coast Kids to order +1 (516) 931-3626.

Fairy Tales 

Let’s talk critters.

Fairy Tales Hair Care is the creator of the #1 lice prevention hair care line for kids in the US. Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Conditioning Spray has over 12,000 5-Star reviews on Amazon. It is a summer camp MUST HAVE for head lice prevention. Spray it on hair, pillows, hats, and backpacks - kid's love the smell, but lice do not! Go for the whole kit (hopefully). They will wash their hair and repel the little beasts (the lice - not the kids).

Get the Shampoo Conditioner and Spray here.

Keep the kids

Lice free this summer

While we’re on the subject of hygiene We LOVE this new brand by the creator of Fairy Tales

TBH - While Tik Tok may have your kids believing they need some intense skin care, TBH believes Easy-Peasy is best. Complex routines? Children don’t need them. Children using adult products? We say a BIG NO! We’re all about making life easier, no extra homework here. TBH’s safe effective solutions are like your favorite superhero—fast, powerful, and always ready to save the day. This leaves more time for the fun stuff while feeling confident and smelling great all while using products with clean ingredients.. Grab TBH here.

TBH makes keeping clean easy

The best deo

TBH deodorant all natural Clean ingredients.

Beurer Insect Bite Healer

Yay camp, yay warm weather! This means BUGS. Bugs are also celebrating the warm weather and sunshine…and they may be celebrating by snacking on your kids! 

Insect bites and stings are a part of nature, particularly in the summer months. Mosquitoes, ants, and flies are often uninvited guests while at barbeques, bonfires, or summer camp. Long gone are the days of the messy pink lotion. Stop the itch from bites and stings in seconds and accelerate the healing process with the Beurer Insect Bite Healer.

Get it here.

Stop the itch in its tracks

Beurer Insect Bite Healer

Walkie Talkies with 22 FRS Channels 

My son said these are a must, for “communicating with teammates”, “talking on hikes” or just talking to friends in the next bunk when you’re planning a raid… I mean talking about the interesting bugs you found on the hike… get them here.

most fun camp gear for kids

Be prepared for raids… I mean hikes!

Unstable Unicorns
Welcome to Unstable Unicorns, the strategic card game where friendship meets betrayal in a battle to build your unicorn army! Gather 2-8 players, ages 8+, for 30-60 minutes of fast-paced fun. Be the first to collect 7 unicorns in your stable while using cunning and chaos to sabotage your friends. With 135 cards and expansions like Dragons and Nightmares, the magic never ends! Winner of the 2019 People's Choice Award for Toy of the Year, Unicorns are your friends now... until they're not! Get it here.

games for camp kids, tween, teen



Here's to a summer filled with laughter, adventures, and unforgettable memories for your kids. May every moment be filled with safe, fun, cool experiences, and endless joy. Wishing your family the best summer ever!



(Notice Something different here?) Stay tuned…

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